“I’m not afraid of death, I just don’t want to be there when it happens” Woody Allen

“Careful if you don’t know where you are going - you might not get there” - Yogi Berra

We seek to help you and your loved ones navigate the End of Life. We want to help people embrace life - and believe if you have things in order - your will, last wishes, Durable Power of Attorney, POLST, and a plan for how you want to be cared for - you can live more fully.

You will have access to the expertise of a wife/husband – Psychotherapist/Physician team who will help you understand the pros and cons of medical treatment options; as well as emotional and spiritual needs you and your loved ones may need.

Over several sessions, we will meet with you and those closest to you, making a thorough assessment of needs, wishes and dreams.  After learning your values we will provide feedback and a range of suggestions and referrals.   You will develop documents and a clear plan to support you and your family in this fragile time.

We have connections and experience in Medical, Hospice, Psycho-therapeutic and Spiritual Communities. We aim to create a clear personalized Map, and an informed approach to navigate Life’s final chapter.